Practices that changed my life

There’s so much to celebrate today and I want to share this with you.

Today marks 2 years since my dad passed away. You might think that’s hardly something worth celebrating, but for me it is.

It’s a celebration of life, of triumph.

Since his diagnosis 3 years ago, life has been a struggle for me.

With struggle also comes incredibly deep growth.

Our growth journeys continue onward forever, but for now I’m enjoying standing on the other side of this huge obstacle… strong, feet firmly planted on the ground, at peace, and in love with the world.

I trust that whatever happens, I can handle it.

So many teachers have come into my life and planted the seeds of deeper self-love, trust, respect, and worth that have sprouted and blossomed, and have me standing stronger today.

They’ve helped me make so many difficult decisions…
..going back to school
..leaving a comfortable job that no longer fulfilled me
..going to therapy for grief induced anxiety
..ending a good relationship that was silently stifling me

that now allow me to live with a freedom and ease I’ve never before known.

Whatever you’re going through, or will go through, you can handle it.

I want you to feel secure, knowing you’re fully equipped with the right tools and practices to come out stronger on the other side.

I’m happy to introduce my new weekly video series, worthy TV, where I’ll share practices and habits that formed the foundation of my unwavering self-love, trust and confidence.⁣

When you incorporate these practices into your own life, you will be amazed at what transformations start taking place. With your continued commitment, the seeds will sprout and blossom into deeper self-love, respect, and worth that will give you the freedom and ease during times of great decision and challenge and also great joy.

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